Beyond The Page


April 19th-22nd, 2018

Using music (song), film (screen), theatre (stage), and storytelling (page), Beyond the Page explores how collaboration and adaptation create a narrative that can influence social change. It’s more than an event, it’s a movement that brings creators and attendees together to engage in thought provoking ways. 

The first annual Beyond The Page will be a mix of panels, speakings, and performances delving into topics that unite the four disciplines.

There was a point in all of our lives where when we were first idealistic. When we were moved so deeply by something before we even know what that feeling was or how to deal with it. There was a record you heard that opened your eyes to what music truly was, that book you read that changed the way you saw the world, the movie you saw that made you think it was made just for you, and made you feel you were not alone. These are the things that drove us to do what we are doing, as artists. We felt that anything was possible and we just wanted to express ourselves and find others who could relate to us. We could change the world, and all we needed was someone to listen. We want to capture that feeling, the excitement of exploring something new, something meaningful where the possibilities were endless. To come back to that place now but bringing with us the wisdom that comes from experience. We bring you, the Beyond the Page, the intersection of youthful ideology and well worn experience. 

"You can positively affect and change a social circumstance with art, and it's vital that a change happens now." Mos Def

"Art changes people, and people change the world."


More details to come....